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Upcoming Events & Announcements:

Fall 2023 Symposium:
Gender Violence and Indigenous Rights Under International Law

The Cardozo International and Comparative Law Review is excited to host a hybrid symposium on gender violence and Indigenous rights. The panel will look at different regions and focus on the historical factors that have led to the Missing and Murdered Indigenous People (MMIP) crisis. Panelists will also discuss how the law has contributed to the subjugation of Indigenous peoples and ways we can combat this. 


The symposium will feature a keynote speech from Mary Kathryn Nagle followed by a panel with Aura Cumes, Mary Kathryn Nagle, and Rosemary Nagy. 


Mary Kathryn Nagle is an enrolled citizen of the Cherokee Nation. She is an attorney whose work focuses on the restoration of tribal sovereignty and the inherent right of Indian Nations to protect their women and children from domestic violence and sexual assault. She has worked extensively on Violence Against Women Act re-authorization. She has also filed numerous briefs in the United States Supreme Court as a part of the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center’s VAWA Sovereignty Initiative, including most recently, Denezpi v. United States, United States v. Cooley, Oklahoma v. Murphy, Oklahoma v. McGirt, Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta, Brackeen v. Haaland, and United States v. Rahimi. Ms. Nagle is also a playwright and has written works such as Manahatta, which has been performed at multiple festivals and venues across the U.S. 


Dr. Aura Cumes is a Maya kaqchiquel from Guatemala, researcher, teacher, and activist. She vindicates critical thought and energetic speech as vehicles to lay bare the powers that imperil the lives of women and Indigenous peoples. She is a Doctor in Anthropology from the Center for Research and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology (CIESAS) in Mexico City. She holds a Master in Social Sciences from FLACSO Guatemala, a Degree in Social Work from the Rafael Landívar University, and she is a Member of the Ixbalamke Junajpu Winaq’ Autonomous Thought Collective. 


Dr. Rosemary Nagy is a white settler Canadian who teaches and researches in the areas of international human rights, transitional justice, settler colonialism/decolonization, residential schools, and gender-based violence.  From 2015 to 2020, she was Co-Director of the Northeastern Ontario Research Alliance on Human Trafficking (NORAHT). NORAHT was university-community research partnership that engaged in participatory action research using feminist, decolonial, and Indigenous methodologies in order to identify gaps and barriers to services for women experiencing violence in the sex work industry.  


Note on CLE credit: This program is approved for up to 1.5 transitional/non-transitional New York State CLE credits in the category “Areas of Professional Practice” and 1.5 non-transitional New York State CLE credits in the category “Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias.” To receive CLE credits for a panel, you must attend that part of the program “live.” We cannot award CLE credits for watching a recorded version of any part of this program. 


To attend virtually, please use this link:


Contact: Samantha Lauring, Cardozo International & Comparative Law Review Symposia Editor,

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